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Essex County Community Job Fair

Essex County Community Job Fair

Thursday, May 30th @ Essex County Fairgrounds 10 AM - 5 PM

  • All are welcome to join! Whether you're a high school student or community member looking to explore exciting internship opportunities, employment prospects, and educational pathways this day is for you. This event is a vibrant platform designed to connect eager individuals with businesses, organizations, and educational institutions looking to foster talent and drive success.

Minerva Community Clean up Day

2024 Community Clean up day!

All are welcome! Meet at the Minerva Town Hall, lower level, between 9am and 11am. 

  • Join a Group or work Solo
  • Pick any Road. Trash Bags & gloves are provided
  • Picnic to follow at 12 pm at Donnelly Beach Pavilion. Join US!!

Showing of Greenfire: Aldo Leopold and a Land Ethic for our Time

Stop by the AIC for a showing of Greenfire!

Aldo Leopold is considered the most important conservationist of the twentieth-century. He is the father of the national wilderness system, wildlife management and ecological restoration. His classic book A Sand County Almanac inspires us to see the natural world as a community to which we belong. Green Fire explores Leopold's personal journey of observation and understanding and reveals how his ideas resonate today with people across the entire American landscape, from inner cities to the remotest wildlands. The film challenges viewers to contemplate their own relationship with the land community. (73 Minutes)

Mushroom Meanders at the AIC

Forage for Mushrooms at the AIC!

With the guidance of mushroom enthusiast Sandy Bureau, head out for an afternoon of mushroom hunting along the AIC trails. Whether you are a beginner or seasoned forager these walks will help expand your knowledge in to the mysteries of mycology. Walks will be held every third Sunday at 1pm starting in May and continuing through October. Registration is not required but encouraged.

Spring Birding Walk

Spring Birding Walk

Saturday, May 11th – 9:30am

LJ and Emily

Join us to look for songbirds, waterfowl, raptors, and other feathered creatures. Guest birders James Mills and Emily Reichert will be your guides for a walk along the Rich Lake Marsh on the Huntington Wildlife Forest. This walk is along a mostly level dirt road and great for beginning birders. Binoculars are available thanks to Northern New York Audubon. Space is limited. Registration required. Email to register or use the following link:

Early Avian Migrants Birding Walk

Early Avian Migrants Birding Walk

Wednesday, May 8th – 1pm

Join local birder, Charlotte Demers, to look for our early arriving avian migrants. Depending on trail conditions we will either walk along Rich Lake Marsh on the private Huntington Wildlife Forest or explore the trails at the AIC to see which resident and migrant birds are in the area. Walk is an easy ramble of about 1.5 miles and will be great for beginning birders. We will meet at 1:00 pm at the AIC. Plan on 3 hrs of slow birding. Registration required. Email to register or use the following link:

Early Avian Migrants Birding Walk

Early Avian Migrants Birding Walk

Wednesday, May 1st  – 1pm

Join local birder, Charlotte Demers, to look for our early arriving avian migrants. Depending on trail conditions we will either walk along Rich Lake Marsh on the private Huntington Wildlife Forest or explore the trails at the AIC to see which resident and migrant birds are in the area. Walk is an easy ramble of about 1.5 miles and will be great for beginning birders. We will meet at 1:00 pm at the AIC. Plan on 3 hrs of slow birding. Registration required. Email to register or use the following link:

Introduction to Fly Fishing

Introduction to Fly Fishing

Saturday, May 3rd – 9am – 2:30pm

This one-day workshop will introduce you to the art and science of fly fishing. A combination of indoor and outdoor instruction will focus on the basics of fly casting, gear, and technique. No equipment or experience required. Registration and pre-payment of $40 fee required by April 28th. Email to register or use the following link:

Licensed Fishing Guide Rick Kovacs will be your instructor for this one-day workshop, focusing on the basics of fly casting, gear, and technique. Just bring your lunch and willingness to learn something new or work on your skills.

Workshop Schedule

9:00 - History of fly fishing and intro to the “quiet sport”

9:30 - Tools of the Trade - Keep it Simple

10:00 - Break

10:15 - It’s all about the bugs

11:00 - Basics of casting

12:00 - Lunch (Bring your own)

12:30 - Matching the hatch

1:00 - Reading water, casting to the rise and prospecting.

1:30 - “Tight Lines”- hooking, playing, catching, and releasing

2:00 - Knot know how

Schroon Lake Live!! "Songs To Keep"

Schroon Lake Live!! 

Celebrating 50 years of live music outdoors overlooking Schroon Lake, presenting “Songs To Keep"!

  • Special showing of the PBS documentary with live music by Dan Berggren

  • 7-10 PM Boathouse Theater, Dock Street, Schroon Lake

  • Mondays all summer long, FREE!! Info at 

Schroon Lake Live!! "Goodnight Moonshine"

The wait is over! 

Schroon Lake Live!! presents “Goodnight Moonshine” featuring Molly Venter, songwriter and vocalist, paired with jazz-influenced guitarist Eben Pariser.


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