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Sydney Aveson

Sydney is the Communications Coordinator at the Regional Office of Sustainable Tourism.

Rhiannon Berry

Rhiannon Berry is a Content Developer for the Regional Office of Sustainable Tourism. She was given a journal at the age of nine and has been writing ever since. In addition to writing, Rhiannon has a deep love for reading, music, and the outdoors. She has spent much of her life working within education, specializing in English Language Arts, journalism, and creative writing. Additionally, she has dedicated much of her professional and personal life to Holocaust studies, traveling nationally and internationally for various teaching and learning opportunities. A life-long athlete, Rhiannon discovered triathlon after graduating college. She has never looked back, swimming, biking, and running anywhere she can in addition to hiking, mountain biking, and cross-country skiing.

Janelle Jones

Janelle is a lifelong adventurer and loves all things outdoors. When not writing, she can be found exploring and adventuring all across the Adirondacks.

Aurora Pfaff

Aurora Pfaff is the Content Manager at ROOST. A rather obsessive reader based in Saranac Lake, she likes to think she is a cowgirl, race car driver, paleontologist, and astronomer. She is none of those things but she can write about them with aplomb. Her areas of expertise are history, stargazing, and dining.


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