Hit the trail and explore this lovely trail in the quiet woods of the Adirondack Hub. A seldom-visited trail, you'll experience older trail infrastructure like bog bridging. Take care to avoid unmarked side trails that may lead to nearby private property.
How to get there
Take Exit 29 off of Interstate 87 and follow Boreas Road west toward Newcomb. Continue to Route 28N, take a left and head toward Minerva. Continue for just under 10.5 miles to the Hewitt Pond trailhead on the left.
By the numbers
- The trail takes you 3.3 miles one way, with a total elevation gain of just over 600 feet.
Center Pond Trail leaves the Hewitt Pond Trail 3.1 miles south of the trailhead and extends 0.2 mile to the shore of Center Pond. About 2 miles in you'll reach the top of a small pass between two low peaks. The trail descends 100 feet to the pond in the last 0.1 mile.
This hike makes for an excellent snowshoe.