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The wonders of fall

The Adirondack Hub has everything a fall foliage enthusiast could ask for: cozy lodging, fun and fine dining, and miles and miles of gorgeous scenery. Plus, you get to choose your favorite way to explore the wonders of fall.

Some of our favorite fall activities

Hop on trail with our wide range of hikes, from easy kid hikes to more tougher, towering peaks. Our paddling options are a fantastic way to get almost twice the color when you take to our rivers and ponds. Take to our quiet, winding scenic drives by bike or car for a classic American way to explore and wander.

2024 Fall Foliage Reports 

Fall is coming to a close in the Adirondacks and it's been quite a season! From the excitement of those first pops of color to days filled with sunshine and blazing, glorious shades of red, yellow and orange, nature has treated to us to a special show. Closing colors are all around, as some leaves hold on while others drift to the ground and flutter through the air. As a bonus, it's now time for the tamarack to shine! These trees are taking center stage, with their needles turning yellow. They'll stay that way all winter, and their golden glow is making fall feel that much longer and exciting.

Going into the weekend of October 26

Percent of trees predicted to have changed by the coming weekend: 100%

Brilliance: Bright turning to dull 

Predominating colors: Predominantly reds and oranges, touch of yellow 

Rating: Closing colors

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